In Outriders, opponents are apt to overwhelm you unless you use your talents to their full potential. As a result, knowing what each status does is useful because you know just how much harm you’re doing to your opponents. One of the important status effects is the Weakness effect. So today let us look at the Weakness status effect in Outriders, to understand it better.

What is Weakness Status Effect in Outriders?

Weakness in Outriders is a status effect when dealt with on enemies, reduces the amount of damage you take by 30% for 6 seconds. Weakness can also be inflicted on you by enemies, then you deal 30% less damage to enemies than usual for the same 6 seconds. There is no known counter against this status effect.

Weakness is most effective when used against bosses that have high damages per attack. Since you can use it on groups of enemies before going in for an attack, it’s good for getting an upper hand on the battlefield. Weakness, like other status effects in Outriders, is added through mods to gears, and skills. You should also spend Class Points on skills that can help you increase the effectiveness of your Weakness effect. To make this status effect, your build’s focal point, go to Dr. Zahedi and use the crafting menu to craft mods that concentrate on it.

Weakness Effect Application Methods by Weapon Mods:

Tier 1

  • Weakening Bullets: Shots inflict Weakness on enemies. Cooldown of 8 seconds.

Tier 2

  • Improved Weakening Bullets: Shots inflict Weakness on enemies. Cooldown of 4 seconds.

Tier 3

  • Ravenous Locust: Shots create a swarm of locusts, dealing X damage over 15 seconds and inflicting Weakness to enemies remaining within a 6-meter radius of the target. Cooldown of 2 seconds.
  • Weakness Trap: Shots cause explosions, dealing X damage and inflicting Weakness on enemies within a 5-meter radius of the target. Cooldown of 3 seconds.

Weakness Effect Application Methods by Class Skills:


  • Heatwave (only with the Irradiation Wave armor mod)
  • Volcanic Rounds (only with the Radiation Flames armor mod)


  • Cyclone Slice (only with the Weaklings armor mod)
  • Slow Trap (only with the Weakening Zone armor mod)
  • Hunt the Prey (only with the Weakening the Prey armor mod)

That’s everything you need to know about the Weakness status effect in Outriders. While you are here, also check out more tips & tricks in our Outriders Guides, like:

  • How to Beat Captain Reiner – Boss in Payback Side Mission
  • Outriders: Class Tier List Ranked
  • Outriders: Pyromancer Best Build
  • How to Fast Travel in Outriders
  • How to Delete Your Character in Outriders
  • Outriders: How to Play Offline