In the 2.5D soccer game of Omega Strikers, players engage in knockout brawl to score the most goals. This game allows you to select from a range of characters each with varying offensive and defensive abilities making them viable for different positions. Additionally, you give three passive boosts to your character with perks called Training in this game. One of the starter champions, Juliette, is on the top of our Tier List for Omega Strikers and is frequented as an aggressive Forward player. In this guide we will show you all the training perks you need to apply for the best offensive as well as defensive Builds for Juliette in Omega Strikers.

Best Juliette Builds in Omega Strikers

Being one of the starter characters, Juleitte is essentially the strongest champion at the moment and is always a must-pick Attacker in any match. She is known for her movement based abilities where she pushes in head-on with the enemy’s line of defense and creates space for her team. Players who play with this champion usually know how to keep the Core under possession and strike for victory. Here’s all the Training perks you can equip Juliette with to dominate your matches:

Forward Build or Juliette

Adding these perks to her already aggressive kit makes Juliette unstoppable on offense. These are:

  • Crossover: This gives Juliette a 35% haste speed buff for 1.5 seconds
  • Extra Special: The cooldown timer for all elusive special abilities will be reduced as much as 15%. Special abilities give a huge advantage.
  • Tempo Swing: All your hits do extra damage and also give you a health boost of 150%.

Defensive Build for Juliette

Now, Juliette’s kit is not viable for a defensive or goalkeeper position. If you have the choice, you should go for Goalie champions like Kai or Luna. However, sometimes depending on your team composition you may need to play Goalie. So these are the defensive training you can give to Juliette:

  • Super Surge: your can travel as much as 50% more Blink as well as Dash abilities. Any damage through mobility skills deals 20% more and speed increases by 50%.
  • Built Differently: Juliette enlarges by 35% and damage dealt on a hit is also increased by 5%.
  • Heavy Handed: Hit damage dealt on critical hits is increased by 16%.

That’s all the training perks you need to apply for the Best Juliette Builds in Omega Strikers. Hopefully, we have helped you with this article. If you’re stuck in a lower rank in this game and need help, check out our guide on how to rank up fast in Omega Strikers.