The presentation of the PlayStation 5 games drew much attention for the large number of games that were present. Among those who appeared at the event is the new installment of Oddworld: Soulstorm, the game that was in development for several years. Today we can finally witness the first look of the game and it was also revealed that the title will be exclusive to PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5 consoles.

In the presentation, Lorne Lanning, from the Oddworld Inhabitants studio, appeared to talk about the first look at Oddworld: Soulstorm, the new liberation adventure that Abe will lead, who will do everything possible to save all his fellow beings from the various dangers that will lurk in the entire journey.

According to the developer, releasing the characters will reward the player, while failure will be hilarious, in any case forming funny memories. Something you should know is that the game will be available on current and next-generation consoles, but at the beginning, it will be exclusive to the PlayStation family, since it was announced that it will have an exclusivity agreement with PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5.

However, the same agreement will only affect consoles, which means that it will come to PC simultaneously.

“Witness Abe’s horrifying conflict with a terrifying new machination. A fresh narrative – a complete story retake inspired by our original tale. A big visual and cinematic leap aiming to break new ground for Oddworld. Intelligent new mechanics, twisted new devices enabling highly explosive deviousness. A dark parable that tells an epic tale of a volatile society pushed to its limits,” reads the game’s official description.

We leave you with the Oddworld: Soulstorm reveal trailer below.

At the Sony event, there were many other surprises, so if you want to find out about all of them we invite you to check this page.