The shipment of NVIDIA Shield on June 27 was cancelled a day earlier citing hardware issues Customers who pre-ordered the device were not happy with the news. Now, NVIDIA has happy news as it announced in its official website the SHIELDs will ship on July 31st. Let’s hope we are not in for another last minute surprise. Here is the post:
Looks like SHIELD made the right move by not giving its first line of users a flawed device. Also, looking at all the competition in the android console market, NVIDIA has slashed the price of SHIELD to $299 from $349 earlier.
We want to thank you for your patience and for sticking with us through the shipment delay of your SHIELD. We have great news to share with you – your SHIELD will ship on July 31st.
Our goal has always been to ship the perfect product, so we made sure we submitted SHIELD to the most rigorous mechanical testing and quality assurance standards in the industry. We built SHIELD because we love playing games, and we hope you enjoy it as much as we do.
Source: NVIDIA