Ninjala’s controls can be a bit confusing if you are new to the game but worry not as we have the best guide to explain to you everything that you need to know about your mobility, attacks, and defense in Ninjala.

Controls can be a bit tricky as well and there are 4 different configs that you can use. Read the rest of this guide to understand better.

Ninjala Complete Controls Guide

Ninjala is all about being the best Ninja out there and to become that you will need to have a good understanding of the controls so that you can outperform everyone against you.

Here are the complete controls of Ninjala


You can use camera controls in automatic, manual or you can even set it up for gyroscopic mode while playing Ninjala

You need to moving the right analog stick to change the controls.

Reset Camera

Clicking this will reset the camera back to default.

You can do this by pressing the left analog stick or L3.


Thankfully, Ninjala offers aim assist in the game.

To activate it, you can press the right analog stick and it will aim to the nearest enemy.


You can move in any direction

Use the left analog stick and push it into the direction you wish to move.

Run Up Walls

As a Ninja, it is possible to climb up the walls

All you have to do is keep moving in the same direction when you face a wall and you will be able to climb and run up walls.


Every Ninja has to have an aerial advantage.

Press B to jump in Ninjala.

Double Jump

Ninjala allows you to defy physics like most videogames and perform a double jump.

Press B while in mid-air to perform a double jump.

Wall Vault

You can vault from a wall while you are running on it

Press B while on a wall to wall vault.

Special Ability

Special abilities are different for every weapon that you use. This is a faster and stronger move than your normal attacks.

Press Y if you are using Control Type A Press R if you are using Control Type B Press A if you are using Control Type C Press R if you are using Control Type D

Gum Morphing

You can disguise yourself in an inanimate object in Ninjala

Press A if you are using Control Type A Press X if you are using Control Type B Press L if you are using Control Type C Press A if you are using Control Type D

Gum Utsusemi

You can morph into an object.

Press down on the d-pad to morph into the object.

Set Gum Utsusemi

You can set what object you want to morph into.

Press right on the d-pad to set what object you want to morph into.

Gum Ninjutsu

You can use this move when your bottom right meter fills up, differs for each weapon

Press X if you are using Control Type A Press L if you are using Control Type B Press ZL if you are using Control Type C Press ZR if you are using Control Type D

Normal Attack

The most basic of the attack that you can do with your weapon

Press ZR if you are using Control Type A Press ZR if you are using Control Type B Press ZR if you are using Control Type C Press Y if you are using Control Type D

Combination Attack

Combine multiple attacks to deal extra damage to your opponents, pushing the L stick in different direction changes up the attacks.

Press ZR, ZR, ZR if you are using Control Type A Press ZR, ZR, ZR if you are using Control Type B Press ZR, ZR, ZR if you are using Control Type C Press Y, Y, Y if you are using Control Type D

Gum Guard

Press and hold to blow a bubble gum that can stop attacks, the more S-Energy you have the bigger the bubble.

Press ZL if you are using Control Type A Press Y if you are using Control Type B Press Y if you are using Control Type C Press ZL if you are using Control Type D

Gum Shoot

Once you have blown up the bubble you can use it as a projectile or shoot it across the map.

Hold ZL, Press ZR if you are using Control Type A Hold Y, Press ZR if you are using Control Type B Hold Y, Press ZR if you are using Control Type C Hold ZL, Press Y if you are using Control Type D

Craft A Weapon

You can even make a weapon out of the bubble that you have blown up, more S-Energy means a bigger weapon

Hold ZL, Press A if you are using Control Type A Hold Y, Press X if you are using Control Type B Hold Y, Press L if you are using Control Type C Hold ZL, Press A if you are using Control Type D

Dodge Attacks

While attacking is important, you will also need to learn how to keep yourself out of trouble and dodge attacks.

Press L if you are using Control Type A Press A if you are using Control Type B Press R if you are using Control Type C Press L if you are using Control Type D

S-Burst Mode

You can perform a quick dodge and enter B-Burst Mode which enables you to parry attacks. It Will cost 5 S-Energy Units.

Break Attack

Break Attacks will destroy your enemy’s S-Burst Mode/Gum Guard and trap them in Gum.

Press R if you are using Control Type A Press ZL if you are using Control Type B Press X if you are using Control Type C Press X if you are using Control Type D

Gum Boost

Blow a Gum Bubble, and while in mid-air perform a Gum boost. It Will cost 3 S-Energy Units.

Hold ZL, Press B if you are using Control Type A Hold Y, Press B if you are using Control Type B Hold Y, Press B if you are using Control Type C Hold ZL, Press B if you are using Control Type D

Communication Menu

Select an emote to use.

Press up on your d-pad to use this.

This is all there is to know about the controls in Ninjala, make sure that you check out about Gum Utsusemi in Ninjala as well.