White Loading Screen Bug in Nier Replicant is causing issues to a lot of players as they cannot access the game and only get to see a white screen. If you too are suffering from the same issues in Nier Replicant, make sure to check this solution out.

How To Fix White Loading Screen Bug In Nier Replicant

To fix the white loading screen bug in Nier Replicant, you will need to perform a bunch of easy tasks, these will help to fix the game files and even check the compatibility of the game on your system.

The first thing that you’re going to need to do is to limit your GPU to 60 fps, while popular games have been exceeding this limit. Nier Replicant works best on 60 fps and adjusting your settings to only deliver 60 fps will help most of you solve this issue.

If you’re still having trouble with it, you should revalidate your game files from steam. This will help Steam to fix any broken files on your system with a fresh one and you will be able to play the game once again.

Finally, if both of these things do not work and you have two monitors set up on your pc. Try to disable the second monitor, if the game starts in windowed mode, you can then just remove the monitor.

If you insist on having the second monitor, then we recommend playing the game on the secondary monitor and it should help to fix the issue.

This is all there is to know about how to fix White Loading Screen Bug in Nier Replicant. While you’re here make sure to check out