Nier Replicant is a game where every move that you take will affect your ending. From the main quests to the sub-quests, every bit and piece comes together to form one big ending. The players hence do not want to opt for a wrong choice that will affect the endgame. The choice of The Strange Fate of the Jewel quest is one of them. The players have to find a jewel called Mermaid Tear for a jeweler. Once they find it, they are met with three choices that they need to choose from. In this guide, we will help you choose your answer between the give, sell, or bury the Mermaid Tear jewel option for The Strange Fate of the Jewel quest. Warning, spoilers ahead.

What to Choose Between ‘Bury the Jewel’, ‘Give it to the Client’, or ‘Sell’ Mermaid Tear for The Strange Fate of the Jewel Quest In Nier Replicant?

Bury the Jewel in Memory of the Woman

If you choose to Bury the Jewel in Memory of the Woman, you will not receive any rewards in the game. The jewel was originally meant to be as the last parting gift from the jeweler’s grandfather to her lover, the lighthouse lady before they both passed away. If you bury the jewel, you will technically fulfill the man’s last wish.

Give it to the Client

If you choose the option to give the Mermaid Tear to the client, you will get a fat reward of 10,000 gold and a thank you from the lady. She will be delighted to get back the precious momento of her grandfather.

Sell The Mermaid Tear

If you choose to sell the Mermaid Tear, you will get a reward of 10,000 again but you will not be able to help the Jeweler lady. She will not be able to get one of her most precious family Heirlooms.

So, Give the jewel to the client if you are ethical and want to get a 10,000 gold reward. Sell the jewel if you just want the 10,000 gold reward and don’t want to give closure to the jeweler. Bury the jewel if you want to fulfill a deceased man’s last wish. We suggest you choose the ‘Give it to the Client’ option for The Strange Fate of the Jewel quest in Nier Replicant. This will give you 10,000 gold as a price and closure to the jeweler.

So that is all for our guide on what answer to choose between give, sell, and bury the Mermaid Tear in The Strange Fate of the Jewel quest in Nier Replicant. If you would like to know about some other quests in the game, we have written on The Pride Of A Lover, Scattered Cargo, Damaged Map, Book Smarts, and many more on our website.