Games often have several issues that can be frustrating, and the compass tracking not working issue in New World is a great example of this phenomenon. Because of this issue, your compass will not be able to track and display any points of interest. This will result in the compass breaking down, rendering it to be completely useless. This can make playing the game a nightmare, as the compass is a rather important tool. If you are one of those who has been left annoyed with this bug, you need not worry anymore. In this guide, we will show you how to fix it.

How To Fix New World Compass Tracking Not Working Bug?

Restart New World to fix the Compass Bug

Now, this might seem like one of the most obvious fixes to the New World Compass Tracking not working bug, but it comes with a bit of a compromise. This compromise is in the form of long queue times. Restarting the game will result in you having to wait for really long queue times. Unfortunately, you might have to suffer from such periods of waiting, because restarting the game is one of the known fixes to the compass issue.

Enter a Corruption Zone

A few gamers have observed that upon entering and spending some time inside a corruption zone, you will find a 5-second timer. Once the said timer runs out of time, you should find that the compass now works perfectly.

Since this is not a sure-fire fix, we recommend you take it with a pinch of salt, as there is a chance it might not be successful.

Unmarking Quests

Another potential solution to the compass issue in New World is to unmark all of the quests. In order to do so, you need to head towards the Journal. Once you unpin all of the quests, you can make them active via the map. Once you do so, you will be able to see all of your points of interest on the compass.

Check for Updates

Another possible cause of this bug could be an impending game update. Not downloading the latest updates can result in old bugs and errors surfacing and causing problems. We recommend you look for updates, and download them if any. Once you download all updates, relaunch the game and check if the bug persists. If it does occur again, keep reading this guide for other possible solutions.

Restart the PC

Sometimes, a simple system restart can help iron out the instances of bugs and other such errors, and this could be the case for the compass problem too.

If this solution fails to do the trick, you might need to check out some of the more extreme fixes in this guide.

Re-Install New World to fix the Compass Bug

If all else fails, simply uninstall New World and then install it all over again. Once you finish installing the game again, launch it and check if all is good. This solution should hopefully work to fix the bug in the compass.

These are all of the solutions to the compass bug in New World. As you can see, this is a minor bug. This means you can probably solve it without having to make use of the more extreme fixes mentioned in this guide.

Now that you know how to rectify the compass tracking issue, check out our guide on how to change Stats on Faction Gear in New World.