Apple has teamed up with New York City photographer Mark Clennon in a YouTube video to show viewers tips and tricks about getting the most from an iPhone camera.

Mark Clennon is a self-taught photographer and is well known for using an iPhone in his work. The tips in the video refer to the iPhone 11 and later models as they have the particular lenses Clennon uses in his work.

In addition to dynamic poses, Clennon states he uses all three of the iPhone’s camera lenses for his work: the wide-angle, ultra-wide-angle, and the telephoto lens.

The wide-angle lens is the standard point-and-shoot camera many smartphones have, and on recent iPhone models, these lenses have a high aperture for higher quality photos. The ultra-wide lens expands the camera’s reach to take larger photos and fit more, while the telephoto lens allows users to zoom into a subject more.

Clennon uses the iPhone photo cropping and aspect tools to edit the photos to fit his artistic vision and says he enjoys exploring the device’s other editing methods.

Although Clennon doesn’t mention them, some of these other methods include adjusting light and color and adjusting perspective.

Recently, Apple has created tutorial videos to help users with the iPhone 12 camera and its new features. One such tutorial showcases Night Mode, which allows users to take photos in a low-light environment.

Apple is pushing its users to try out more creative endeavors on its devices and has created the Today at Apple initiative to teach people all the creative things they can do using those devices.

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