Apple AirTags were created with the intention of making it easier to find lost items, however they also created security and privacy concerns over possible unwanted tracking.

Last month The Washington Post revealed how potentially easy it could be for someone to stalk another person. Thankfully, a recent update, as reported by CNET, looks to address the potential problem by shortening and randomizing the window in which the AirTag will sound an alert.

Upon their initial release, AirTags separated from their owners would automatically emit an alert sound after about three days—good for lost keys, less good for a planted tracker. With this new update, which is available now, the AirTag will instead randomly sound its alert within eight to 24 hours. This notifies unknowing AirTag carriers of the device much sooner, and hopefully will do a better job of discouraging their misuse.

Disabling a planted (or simply unneeded) AirTag is a simple matter of tapping it with an iPhone (or other NFC-compatible device) and following the on-screen instructions. Android devices aren’t compatible with Apple’s Find My network yet, but there will be an app for that, too.

Along with the AirTag update, it was announced that an Android app to aid in AirTag detection is in development. No specific details have been revealed for this new app, but it should be releasing later this year.

Any AirTag users interested in the new update don’t have long to wait. Distribution already has begun and will happen automatically whenever an AirTag is within range of an iPhone.

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