Windows 8 only: myScoreboard is a simple Windows Store app (metro style) designed to do one thing only and well, to keep scores in sport games. This Windows 8 app is easy to use, perfect for parents and sport fans who want to stay on top of the game.

Imagine going to your child’s baseball or football game and being able to keep score on your own without having to rely on someone else to tell you what inning it is or who has more touchdowns. This app was designed with you in mind! myScoreboard allows parents, friends, siblings, grandparents, and spectators to keep track of the sport that they’re watching.

If you ever get stuck with the app, support is available by email the developer ([email protected]). Originally a Windows Phone app, the developer has expanded the idea of a purely baseball centered app to include soccer, hockey, football, and basketball, and now it is also available on your desktop and/or tablet.


  • Supported processors: x86, x64, ARM
  • Languages: English (USA)
  • Publisher: mjhannaf
  • Age rating: 12+
  • Price: $1,49
  • Download: Get it from the Windows Store