Google has finally announced Moto X with specs, prices and carrier details. The specs are pretty much the same as the previous leaked specs. On the software side, you have the always listening or “always ready” state where Google Now will listen to you even when your Moto X is in sleep mode. We have already seen the demonstration of the active mode in the leaked Rogers video.
Moto X will also be available for all five US carriers. However, currently only AT&T is given the exclusive rights to the customization service. AT&T users can customize their Moto X with different cover colors and custom engravings for the back cover.
The Moto X Is priced as follows:
2 years contract with AT&T: $199 for 16GB, $249 for 23GB and $574 for contract free
Sprint: $199 for 16GB
The prices are not yet confirmed for T-Mobile, US Cellular and Verizon Wireless.
Official specs:
- Android 4.2.2
- 4.7 inch 720p AMOLED
- Motorola X8 mobile computing system (1.7 GHz dual core processor)
- RAM: 2GB
- Internal Storage: 16GB/32GB
- Cloud Storage: 50GB for 2 years
- Camera: 10 MP Clear Pixel with 2 MP front facing
- Bluetooth 4.0, WiFi
- Dimensions: 129.3 X 65.3 X 10.4 mm
- Weight: 130g
- Retail release: Early September 2013
- TAGSMoto X