The Dreadqueen Rathian is a Flying Wyvern in Monster Hunter Stories 2. It was a staple feature of the Monster Hunter universe for some of the previous games in the series. Now, in Stories 2, this monster is making its big comeback as one of the dragons in the Elder’s Lair. So, scroll down and find out where to find the Dreadqueen Rathian in MHS 2.

How to get Dreadqueen Rathian Monster Eggs in Monster Hunter Stories 2?

  • You will be able to get the Dreadqueen Rathian by stealing its eggs in one of the Super Rare Elder Dragon dens.
  • To do this you will have to go to the Terga Volcano map in MHS2.
  • Now, just keep looking in the various caves and dens for the Dreadqueen Rathian Elder Dragon.
  • Once you do spot it, wait for the monster to actually go to sleep before you raid its den. If you are feeling adventurous you can fight it off.
  • Dreadqueen Rathian’s eggs are colored which will make them quite easy to spot.

If you want to find and get Elder Dragons like Dreadqueen Rathian in Monster Hunter Stories 2 you will have to use certain special Monstie abilities. If you already have another Rathian you can use its Nest Search Ability to find these super rare dens.

You should note that you will also need 100 Expedition Tickets to enter all these Super Rare Dens. If you want to get more Expedition Tickets you will have to exchange Bottlecaps for the same.

If you are farming for new Armor Sets and weapons, make sure to engage in a fight with Dreadqueen Rathian in Monster Hunter Stories 2. Go for its Head and Tail as it will allow you to get various broken parts as drops. You can then use these body parts to build up special Armor Sets. These armor sets will help you in the final boss fight with Oltura.

Rhyming Riddles Quest

  • You will get a side quest from the Clerk in Lulucion. He usually gives out quests to trap Deviant Monsters.
  • You will get a quest called Listen to Wyverian’s song.
  • This is further divided into three stages as mentioned below:
  • Explore a tall desert tower
  • Explore a forest of giant trees
  • Explore the King of the Skies’s den
  • First, go to Nua Ta Village and speak to the leader of the village, Yoomlana.
  • Next, you will have to head to Lamure Tower as part of the ‘Explore a tall desert tower’.
  • Go to the second floor of this tower and you will be able to see a sparkly object in the wall which is the first clue.
  • Now, go to the Etullr Loft Trees for the ‘Explore a forest of giant trees’ clue to look for the Dreadqueen Rathian in Monster Hunter Stories 2.
  • Go into the Paolumu Den which is located in the south.
  • On the left wall of the entrance you will be able to find the second clue.
  • Now, you will have to go to Guardian Ratha’s Den in the Guardian Ratha Woods for the ‘Explore the King of the Skies’ den’ clue.
  • Go to the northern part of the map and you will see a broken wall with a door along the boundary of the biome.
  • Here you will be able to see the third clue.
  • After this go to the Terga VOlcano Base in the evening.
  • During this time the Dreadqueen Rathians den will appear.

This is everything you need to know about how to get Dreadqueen Rathian in Monster Hunter Stories 2. While you are, also have a look at Where to find Dragonfell Berry in Monster Hunter Stories 2.

  • Explore a tall desert tower
  • Explore a forest of giant trees
  • Explore the King of the Skies’s den