Thunderbugs are a very important resource in Monster Hunter Rise. They perform a very important function in the game. Thunderbugs are required to trap and capture monsters. The trapping mechanic is pretty important in the game as you can earn resources from the monsters. In this guide, we tell you everything you need to know about how to get Thunderbugs in MH Rise.

How to get Thunderbugs in Monster Hunter Rise

Thunderbugs are available in tree trunks. They are much more frequent spawns in the Shrine Ruins map. You just have to interact with it and you will receive the Thunderbug in your inventory. As you explore the map more they spawn even more frequently.

To farm the Thunderbugs even more effortlessly there is another way. For that, you will need to have the Buddy Plaza unlocked. You can do this by completing some 1-star quests initially. After this, you will be able to interact with the NPC,  Felyne Chief Kogarashi. You can interact with Kogarashi and send some Meowcenaries on missions to other places and maps. They will return with some rare resources.

You can even send your buddies on Argosy trade missions. In these trade missions, you will have to send your buddies along. While you send them on their way you can even specify what item you want in return. Once our buddy returns they will bring with them tons of resources you asked for.

The Thunderbugs are required to craft Shock Traps. Shock Traps are traps that work even on monsters that fly. Combined with Tranq bombs it makes it easier to capture the monsters.

This is everything you need to know about how to get Thunderbugs in Monster Hunter Rise. Did you know how to get Firestones? Read the interlinked guide to find out more about them and at the same time have a look at some Mountshrooms.