Monster Hunter Rise has finally released for Nintendo Switch but it has left thousands of players scratching their heads. Yes, since the game has just released and the developer has not mentioned anything properly, there are tons of players who have been asking a question: How to change difficulty in Monster Hunter Rise.

Those who have played previous titles must know how to kill Monsters but those who are playing it for the first time are looking for ways to change the difficulty in Monster Hunter Rise. The only reason why players are having trouble s is MH Rise does not have any easy mode in for noob.

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In this guide, we will explain how difficulty works in Monster Hunter Rise and whether you can change it or not.

Monster Hunter Rise: Can You Change Difficulty?

We won’t beat around the bush any longer, unfortunately, Monster Hunter Rise does not allow players to change difficulty in the game. Yes, there are no ‘Easy’, ‘Normal’, and ‘Hard’ modes in MH Rise. There might be no direct way to change the difficulty in MHR but there are certain ways that can be used to make the gameplay a lot easier.

If you want to make your gameplay easier, I highly recommend starting with lower-rank hunts because if you opt for High ranks hunts, a lot of monsters will come, making your gameplay a lot difficult. If you are still having difficulty progressing in the game then it would be better to team up with players who are pro gamers.

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Notably, playing with friends will increase the difficulty depending on the number of players you are playing with.  For example, if you team up with two players then there are chances that you will face monsters that can easily be defeated.

It should be noted that Monster Hunter Rise supports only online multiplayer for up to four players. Sadly, MH Rise does not support local co-op.

That’s everything you need to know about difficulty in Monster Hunter Rise. While you are here, you may also like to read about how to defeat Great Izuchi and how to use Barrel Bombs and Perform Aerial Bombing in Monster Hunter Rise.