The sixth main installment in the series, Monster Hunter Rise is the game we all waited for. Perfectly running in Nintendo Switch, the gameplay is as fluid as you expect from the franchise. The game introduces some new features along with polished old ones too. New features include a new companion called Palamute. You can use your companion to traverse the world on its back or even charge into battles. Among the fighting, techniques are the weapon Charge Blade. One of my fan favorites since its introduction in MH4, it’s similar to Sitch Axe, with the ability to switch between the Sword Mode and the Axe Mode. So let’s see the new Charge Blade controls for Monster Hunter Rise Switch Edition.

New Charge Blade Controls for Monster Hunter Rise Switch Edition

With your Charge Blade equipped, you always start in the default Sword mode. This functions like Sword & Shield. This is mainly for charging up energy. Once you have enough energy, you can store it in sheild and deal slow but powerful explosive damages to the creatures of this universe. So here are the controls for Charge Blade in Nintendo Switch:


New Charge Blade Attacks in Monster Hunter Rise

There are additional attacks you can deal with your enemies in the latest installment of the game. For instance, you can raise the shield to block all attacks and also deflect those attacks to regain phials. This is known as Counter Peak Performance. Another attack involves using the wire bug. Wire bugs can be used to move vertically in the game. You can combine this with Charge Blade, to get Morphing Advance. This will lift you up the air and turns your Charge Blade to act as an axe. While doing this you will gain extra armor called super armor, then you can deal more attacks by using this technique.

That’s everything you need to know about the new Charge Blade controls for Monster Hunter Rise Switch Edition. While you are here, also check out our guide on How to Lock on to Monsters in Monster Hunter Rise.