Diamond Eric Davis in Diamond Dynasty is another player that you must have on your team in MLB The Show 21, for anyone who is starting a new team, getting good players early on can be impossible. Luckily, not only do we get one of the better players in the game but we get Eric Davis with Diamond rarity, if you wish to know how to get this special player in  Diamond Dynasty in MLB The Show 21, make sure to check this out.

How To Get Diamond Eric Davis In Diamond Dynasty In MLB The Show 21

To get Diamond Eric Davis in Diamond Dynasty all you need to do is complete a few missions while playing the game. You’re going to need to get 50 points to unlock Diamond Eric Davis and by completing moments and missions, you can easily do that.

What you need to do first is complete as many missions as you can and then jump on the card-specific moments. These moments will help you to earn points and be able to unlock the card faster.

These are all the Eric Davis missions In MLB The Show 21:

Online: Tally five extra-base hits with CFs Online: Tally 10 hits with Orioles Vs. CPU: Beat the Orioles on All-Star or higher

Completing moments is one of the easiest ways to earn points especially because of the fact that you can replay these missions and grind out the points. Completing all of the moments will earn you a staggering 42 points, and the rest of the 8 points can be easily gotten as well.

Also Read: Is MLB The Show 21 Available On PC?

We recommend that you complete as many missions offline as possible, simply because of the fact that you do not know what type of an opponent that you might face online.

Once you have collected all 50 points, you will get the Diamond Eric Davis in Diamond Dynasty In MLB The Show 21, this is all there is to know about it.

While you’re here make sure to check out how to unlock Diamond Jason Giambi In Diamond Dynasty In MLB The Show 21 right here on Gamer Tweak.